Chumash: The main focus of 5th grade 犹太人的研究 is Chumash, where we begin learning Sefer Shemot. Students continue to work on the skills of being independent learners; by fifth grade, 学生可以结对阅读和翻译新课文. 他们从字面开始分析文本, word-by-word translation and then they expand their understanding by asking interpretive questions and learning various commentaries on the texts.
学生们继续扩展他们对圣经希伯来语的理解, 语法和Shemot的主要主题.
我们关注的是文本的语言. 通过密切注意重复, 不规范或文本间的联系, the students learn how to ask questions and provide educated responses that are supported in the text.
纳维五年级学生继续与Sefer Shoftim一起学习纳维. 我们聚焦于以色列人与神之间关系的主题, 领导力与正文中的重大事件. 我们了解每个法官,以及他/她如何融入整个赛弗的重复循环. 学生们用创意剪贴簿表达他们对课文的理解. This multi-sensory approach encourages each student to internalize his/her understanding and 现在 the information in his/her own way.
Tefillah:我们建立在四年级的tefilla技能和文本理解. 当我们加入新的肉片, 我们专注于每一段经文的意义,以及如何最好地专注于祷告.
Parsha: We review the weekly Torah reading with an eye to engaging the students in further inquiry through thought questions and activities to help them internalize larger messages in the Parsha.
Mishna我们以介绍口头律法的背景开始密西拿的研究, 它在我们传统中的中心地位及其发展的历史时间表. Students learn the technical language of the mishna text and begin learning mishnayot that are connected to holidays and tefilla.
Chagim:建立在学生已有知识的基础上, 我们扩展他们对明哈敬的理解, Halacha和每个节日的主要主题.