WDS offers an income-based tuition cap program. We are very proud of this program, which has allowed about 70% of WDS families who receive tuition assistance to do so in a streamlined manner without completing a scholarship application. The only required documentation is a Form 1040. Since we implemented this program in 2019, Jewish day schools around the country have reached out to us for assistance setting up similar programs. For families that require greater assistance, we also offer a traditional scholarship application process.
If your adjusted gross income (AGI) is $260,000或以下, 你付房租, all-inclusive fee for each enrolled child, according to the following schedule.
Ganon (Tot's tastic, 3's and 4's)
2nd & 三年级
4th & 五年级
6日,7日 & 8年级
如果你的AGI超过260美元,000, our proven formula caps your total day school tuition obligation as a percentage of your AGI (up to a 40% discount) We take into account high school tuitions as well, and your obligation to WDS is a pro rata share of the capped amount. Use our online tuition calculator to determine your WDS obligation based on your AGI, the grades of your children enrolled at WDS, and any yeshiva high school obligations you have.
The reductions are subject to review and confirmation by WDS’s Executive Director and/or 奖学金 Committee. Absent an unusual circumstance, the obligation is confirmed promptly, usually within a day or two.
There is no separate security fee for those with AGI of $260,000或以下. The tuition schedule in this income range is all-inclusive. There is a $1,400 per family security fee for those with AGI over $260,000.
东方大道856号 马马罗内克,纽约州10543 914-698-8900
威彻斯特走读学校 is a Modern Orthodox, 男女合校, dual-curriculum, toddler to 8th grade Jewish school that inspires and educates our students in their own way to value menschlichkeit, 一下, 终身学习.